In July of 2023 the Rhode Island Anime Con of 2023 took place and I was able to take some photos of the event. I had never been to any kind of con before so this was much more of a fun learning experience than anything else. There was a ton of cosplayers, voice actors, artists, businesses and hundreds of people present that day. Here are some highlights of the event.

Cosplay is a lot of fun and we were able to get some good photos taken of some cosplayers and some puppets from the con. Here’s my favorites.
Con Fun

Cons are all about having some fun, so while at the con me and my friends made sure to have a good time goofing off a bit. Here’s some photos I found funny from the event.
Rhode Island Comic Con
The next con I will be attending with my friends is the Rhode Island Comic Con in November 2023, if you want to see those photos now click the link below. You can also find my social media bellow as well.