My Demo Reel

A demo reel is a collection of work that is considered to be noteworthy, and shows of a person’s capabilities. At my time at the New England institute of technology I have greatly grown as a designer. When I started out at the school I had a basic understanding of primer pro and an idea on color theory and basic film techniques I learned in a video editing class at CCRI.

At New England Tech I was able to go into so many different fields of design in the course of 3 years. From packages, to printing book, photography, video editing, animation, rotoscoping, sound design, music editing, even making music.

This demo reel is a collection of work that I did at NEIT that was not a booklet, or a long video. A collection of some simple work that might interest those looking to hire me in the future.

Future Portfolio Videos

As I work more in the graphic design field, I will need to case study all future projects and create more and more demo reels. When I am able to make work that is for clients and not for school projects, or work for myself, I will have a larger and larger pool to draw from without time restrictions. It will be interesting to see what future demo reels will look like compared to this current one.

Here is an early draft of the current portfolio video.

Production Changes

The video was always going to feature several different works I have done at school, but the general set of items changed. Originally the photography section was shorter and there was different content in the graphic design section, but I was able to get better content into those sections.

Work that could not be included.

I have a lot of work in my three years that I obviously could not include in a short 80 second demo reel that I would like to mention. The work I did for the Ocean State Curling Club and the work I did for them was not featured, as I only made social media posts for the brand and not any logos or videos myself, so it would be hard for someone to understand that if they just saw the logos what part I made. Link to that work here.

I made many books for large projects, however these books would simply not fit into the demo reel with the assets I had already chosen for my video.

Buttonwoods Brewery Book Online print book. not used in demo reel.
Buttonwoods Brewery Digital Book

Packages were not features either. Some books were able to be shown off but not boxes I made, package design is a great skill to display, but unfortunately I lacked photos of the packages I made at school.

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